Saturday 1 March 2014

(DA) Annual Melee of Kindness

As you can guess by the title of this post March 1st is the Annual Melee of Kindness. It's a day designated to going out of your way to do some nice things for family, friends and/ or strangers. It is endearingly called AMOK, so my best friend and I spent the early part of the day running AMOK, going around town doing nice things for other people. 

If you follow some of my interests and personal activities you will know that I participated in the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen, aka GISHWHES in 2013. Both GISHWHES and AMOK are associated with the charity Random Acts which encourages Random Acts of Kindness and I was thrilled to participate in both.

Today for AMOK I was driving around with my my best friend picking up the perfect ingredients for our surprises and delivering them to her family and friends. I bought a few treats for my hubby, donated 2 boxes of clothing and books to a nearby Good Will, bought some surprise gifts for friends I was seeing later and bought a coffee for the person in line behind me at Tim Hortons. 

I did a few little things today and had a bunch of ideas that I didn't get to, but instead of thinking "oh well, next year," they are things I can do any time and I plan to do more often. I think that's the idea; to get people thinking of the little things they can do and watch how much that little act brightens other people's day. 

We don't have to wait for a specific date once a year to do something nice for another person. It should be on our to do list 365 days a year. 


For a little information about GISHWHES my best friend and creator and editor of Alternate Screen's account of our experience HERE!

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