Thursday 6 March 2014

(DA) A little overwhelmed...

I may or may not have had a bit of a break down/ epiphany tonight (definitely may have), and realized that I have a lot going on.

Here's a glimpse into the things I'm doing at the moment:

-participating in Duelling Amateurs, the daily writing challenge
-Running W.A.C "Weekly Art Club" a group on Facebook
-writing for Alternate Screen, the TV and movie review sight
-writing a full length novel, this first book in my first trilogy
-reading "Allegiant" by Veronica Roth
-acting classes
-working 2 part time jobs
-daily drawing
-training my dog
-going to the gym every day and training for a 5K, a 10K, a mini Triathlon and the Spartan.

and of course all the shovelling, cleaning, laundry, cooking etc that comes with being a grown up.

All of this I'm doing while also having to be very aware of how much I sleep, how good my diet is and that I get all my vitamins and medication to treat my MS.

I learned a long time ago that just because I have a disease, doesn't mean I can't keep living my life like I want to. Look at the list of things I am juggling at the moment! I can still do it, I just have to be very aware of myself and how my body is feeling, and make sure I treat my body well so that it can keep up with me.

Finding out that I have MS didn't ruin my life, it just made it a little more complicated.

And I can handle complicated.


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