Friday 7 March 2014

(DA) There are stories everywhere

As a creative spirit I can make up a story to go with just about anything. While sitting on the bus I like to use a combination of observation and creativity to make up stories about the lives of my fellow commuters. When I'm walking the dog I see fantastical events play out in the forests around me with sprites and unicorns and dragons. But one story that has stuck with me was the discovery a friend of mine made.

My friend was weeding a plant bed near a local park and was surprised to find a pair of boxers. Naturally the boxers went in the trash and they kept working until they found a contraceptive wrapper.

Apparently this plant bed had had a few visitors. I grimaced and "ewww-ed" during the story when it was appropriate, but the next part made me laugh out loud.

The third item of trash that was found in this public flower bed was an ultrasound picture of a fetus.

I couldn't believe what an amazing look into the lives of two people this little flower bed was!  We have no idea if any of these items are related to each other in real life, but why couldn't they be? For me the story of the trash in the flower bed is the story of a couple, giving in to passion in the park and creating a life.



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