Sunday 30 March 2014

(DA) Comparative writing

Today is day 48 of 365 of the Duelling Amateurs challenge I am doing with Jason and Alex.

It's been amazing to follow each other and read their thoughts but for a while I was feeling very off put because I consider Jason and Alex 'Intellectuals". They hear topics, or ideas and write them down in very thought provoking manners. They have such deep and succinct writing.

I love it. But I cannot relate to it.

What I mean is, I was comparing my writing to theirs. I was trying to think "deep thoughts" and getting frustrated when I couldn't. My writing was becoming frustrating, tedious and painstakingly slow, until I realized that Jason and Alex can write like that, but I don't have to.

I am a creative writer. I can come up with deep meaningful works but the messages are told through fiction.
My brain, and Jason and Alex's work differently. We write differently and that's what makes us compelling. Each of us write with our own voice, not with a borrowed voice we read somewhere else and are trying to emulate.

It was quite the realization, and once I saw that I was comparing myself the Jason and Alex, I was able to see that "I" wasn't writing anymore and that's why I wasn't enjoying it.

Now, I'm loving every moment of writing- even the creative blockades.


Have you ever compared yourself to someone else, and lost focus on your own voice or talent? How did you get over it?

Visit Jason >>>HERE<<<
Visit Alex >>>HERE<<<

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