Saturday 24 May 2014

(DA) New Experiences

Today I had the unique experience of locking myself in a room which 2 friends surrounded by clues and puzzles that could lead to our escape.

This is something you can actually pay to do.

No it's not creepy. No it;s not sketchy. It's challenging, mind bending, interactive, creative and builds on relationships and teamwork.

It was myself, my Jason and our friend Ryan. We're a great blend of out of the box thinkers, and we thought this 'game' sounded like a good challenge.

We got to the building, you are given a flashlight and told you are being locked in a room and you have 45 minutes to figure out the clues around the room that will eventually lead to you finding the key out.

Some of the challenges were much simpler than others (at least for us) and others that should have been simple ended up being difficult to see in another way.

It was hilarious fun!

Unfortunately we got stuck on the last clue 14 minutes before the buzzer went and spent nearly a quarter of an hour staring at the final clue. But we laughed all the way through it and relied on each other's outside the box thinking to solve the clues and get ourselves out in time.

If you ever get the chance check out ESC-it.There are multiple rooms and challenges of various difficulties to test your skills. Bring friends or family; groups up to 5 people, though that would have been squishy in our little room.

It's cheap, it's fun, it doesn't take long.


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