Wednesday 7 May 2014

(DA) Doing the right thing

I was tired today when I got into work. 5pm is not the best time to start a shift when you're already tired, but at 9:30 when the show ended I just wanted everyone out of the building so I could lock up. 

The staff were gone, and I was waiting around for some patrons to collect their families and trickle out the doors. 

By 10pm I had enough. I wanted to leave, and had less patience to wait around for other people's families. 

The building was locked up by 10:30. But when I got outside I saw a young girl sitting outside the doors waiting for a ride. She said her ride was just around the corner and told me I could go, but there was no way I was going to leave her alone in a darkened parking lot, outside a locked building; even if I just wanted to go home to bed. I let her know that I never let my staff wait alone and I would do the same for her. 

As she had said, her ride was just around the corner. I don't think I had to wait an entire 2 minutes before car headlights pulled up. She thanked me for waiting and her parents were thrilled that I hadn't left her alone and had been thoughtful enough to wait with her. 

It felt good, and in the grand scheme of my day was nothing and took no time but it meant a young woman had a safe wait for her ride, and that is enough for me. 

Besides I'll just sleep in an extra 2 minutes in the morning. 


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