Wednesday 14 May 2014

(DA) Getting Healthy

Is being healthy feeling no pain?

Or is being healthy when your body works at 100%?

I say 100% and that's the core ideal of the Maximized Living regime which I have been following for the past month. I understand it's a lifestyle, not a diet, but the whole experience has been great!

My goal with Maximized Living and Preventative Chiropractics is to be the best and healthiest person I can be for myself, my current family, my future children and their children. I want to be healthy, functional, able bodied, able minded and happy for the rest of my life and Maximized Living promises to help me achieve that goal.

Losing weight was never a goal of mine, but I was shocked to learn that I have lost 5 lbs since I've started taking the baby intro steps to Maximized Living. What's so surprising about it is that I'm actually working out LESS. I used to walk my dog for an hour, then spend about another hour in the gym every day doing cardio or weights. Now (I still walk my dog) but I'm only doing 12 minute (*MaxT3) workouts, twice a week. TWICE A WEEK.
I throw in some bike riding and squash every once in a while, but the big change that I've made is what I'm eating.

Surprise, surprise, more fruit and veggies, and almost NO processed foods. No cans, no boxed pizza, no crap. (I was amazed how light our recycling bin got!)

Of course I'm still training myself into it, I have cheat days where I'll snack on smarties, or have a bowl of chips, but for the most part I don't even want it.

Pop is the worst culprit, everyone knows it's bad and I haven't been able to cut it out completely yet, but I'm getting better! I feel great, I sleep well and I am once again a task master! I feel more focused so I can handle performing multiple tasks simultaneously.

If you want an intro to Maximized Living, just let me know! You'll get a free dinner out of it.


*MaxT3 workouts are designed for Maximized Living and use a mixture of interval training, plyometrics and circuit training. Each exercise you perform for 60 seconds, then move on to the next, and the next for a total of 12 minutes plus a minute rest in between sets. It's wonderful fun, surprisingly challenging and easy to do at home, or with a group.

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