Sunday 20 July 2014

(DA) Sun and Rain

The weather this year is very different than in previous years, but I guess I should have seen that coming from our abnormally brutal winter. This summer has been rainy.

It's sunny during the week; while you work, and it rains on the weekends when you want to be at the cottage.

At least I'm creative enough to keep entertained when it rains. If I were alone I would write the day away, but when people are around, OUT COME THE BOARD GAMES!

I find board games are underrated. I hear friends complain "No, board games are for kids." No. Actually, most board games are made for adults. The strategy and cunning required to make these games highly competitive, is usually beyond the grasp of children.

I guess the friends that complain about board games have only every played Monopoly (improperly, I bet). I should introduce them to better games.


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