Thursday 24 July 2014

(DA) Negativity Breeds Negativity

Standing in the Express Checkout line in the grocery store, holding 4 items. The line is HUGE. I've never seen it that long, but it was moving surprisingly well and I was in no rush, so I was content.

The woman behind me however, was not. She pushed her cart, of 14 items, in line behind me and started grumbling to anyone around about how this line was ridiculous and slow and how it would only take her 3 minutes to get through a line at her normal store. "This isn't even my food! I'm shopping for someone else." She grumbled and grumbled, until she got to the cash, and grumbled some more about the slow service.

The people around her were immediately miserable, and once she left, I saw the grumbling trend continuing through the line up behind her.

There was no need for that. Just be happy you could do a favour for a friend by getting their groceries, be happy the line wasn't longer and be thankful that you are able to afford your groceries.

Please lose sight of the big picture when small things alter the way they thought events would go.


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