Sunday 13 July 2014

(DA) 1 Tree, Many Leaves

One Tree, Many Leaves. This is a beautiful line from the Dreamworks picture "Epic".

The movie really holds up to the name, but this line stuck with me most of all. The line means that we are all connected. Every person is just 1 leaf on one tree and since we're connected, we have to help each other and look out for one another.

I've always had a very strong "watch dog" sense. I feel like I'm always on alert. Sometimes my alert is as simple as "my neighbours garbage can has tipped over in the wind. I'll right it before it leaves a mess over  their lawn and sometimes it is as strong as "Those kids are chasing a ball and may run on to the street, I'll stop and block traffic just in case."

Both of these scenarios have happened, and both of them ended well because I took the time to care for my fellow human; even if I've never met them.

Strangers need someone to look out for them too.


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