Monday 21 July 2014

(DA) Cycle of Conversation

I find it interesting; if not sometimes frustrating, that conversations with the same group of people inevitably circle back to one topic.

I don't mind circling back to nerd culture; I can reference Doctor Who all day, but I struggle to keep calm when conversations circle back to topics like: ignorance about rape culture. It's a hot topic and needs to be talked about, but I can only say so much without losing control so many times in one day, nevermind every time I see the same people.

Did you know that 41% of highschool females and 53% of highschool males surveyed said it was OKAY for a man to hold down a woman and force himself on her if they had been dating a while?

28% of females surveyed said it was OKAY for a man to hold down and force himself on a woman if she was drunk or intoxicated. While 36% of the highschool males surveyed said it was OKAY.


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