Wednesday 16 July 2014

(DA) Relaxation

This weekend I was able to take some time away from life and chill. I didn't NEED to get away, I wanted to.

It was tough to leave my hubby, but he couldn't get time off. I was able to see friends that I don;t see often and relax without any pressure. I wasn't hosting, I wasn't watching anyone (or a dog), and I wasn't wondering when my next shift would be.

There were no agendas this weekend, no fights or tension, just peace and friends; I often find there's at least one couple fighting whenever I go away with a group.)

We went to this little cottage on a BEAUTIFUL lake. It didn't look like much from the road, but we all fell in love with it the moment we stepped in.

-The carpets were patterned
-The lampshades were beaded and hand made
-There were ORIGINAL Parker Borther's board games; clue etc...
-A microwave with dials
-A blue bath tub
a hat (Stetsons) collection.

This house was perfect. And although the weather was cold and we went through 4+ bags of fire wood, we had a GREAT time.


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