Wednesday 9 April 2014

(DA) My inner nerd is showing

If you know me at all, you know I'm proud to call myself a nerd.

I love Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, LOTRs and the game of Dungeons and Dragons to name a few things. But I always thought that if I wasn't wearing a nerdy shirt, then you'd never know if you just looked at me.

Apparently I was wrong. Or, I work with a man who's psychic. But today (Wearing one of my favourite Doctor Who shirts home from work) I was stopped by a co worker who said,

"I knew it!"

I looked at him quizzically, and asked, "You knew what?"

He looked at my shirt and said, "The first day you worked here I told one of the other guys you were a nerd. He said 'No way!' but I was right!" And he laughed. I chuckled along with him and asked what gave me away. He shrugged and said something to the effect of "I know my kind."

I took out my phone and told him I had a picture he had to see, and he proceeded to shock me again by exclaiming, "Did you have a T.A.R.D.I.S at you wedding?!"


Well, I'm proud to be a nerd and apparently I wear it on my sleeves. Love it!

This is just one of many examples I have of being proud of who you are. Live it, love it and be proud of your interests and who you are. Others will see it and love you for it (and for your self honesty) and if they don't then they really aren't worth your time are they?


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