Friday 11 April 2014

(DA) Maximized Living and Preventative Chiropractics

I've been suffering from back pain since I hit puberty.

I thought it was just "life". I've had people and Doctors tell me, "Yeah, that's what happens when you have a large chest." Their cure? "Strengthen your stomach muscles."

So I did. There was a little improvement but not enough to keep me off of pain relievers. (I never lived on pain relievers) but sometimes it would be so bad I couldn't function. The pain has even gotten so severe that I throw up.

Ridiculous. But I had been told "That was to be expected." So I didn't question it.

It isn't until very recently when I started learning about Maximized Living and preventative chiropractics that I learned my pain was caused by subluxations in my spine. Subluxation is a misalignment in your spinal vertebrae.

I had never considered that my back pain might be caused by my spine. It seems silly, but I didn't.

Now that I've started treatment, I've had 2 adjustments, and already I've noticed a HUGE difference. After a long day at work on my feet I'm usually in a lot of pain and reaching for the Advil bottle. Today however, I have barely felt it. I'm sore, but it's nothing I can't handle without medication.

Is this a placebo effect or is it actually working this quickly? Frankly I have no idea. And I don't care.

I feel great! And that's what counts.


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