Wednesday 2 April 2014

(DA) Indulging in some 'retro'

What I mean is that I am currently re-watching episodes from my childhood; Young Hercules.

This show stars a young Ryan Gosling, Dean O'Gorman Chris Conrad and Jodie Rimmer.


Ryan Gosling was made popular by his main role in "The Notebook" and Dean O'Gorman plays one of the young dwarfs in The Hobbit Trilogy; Fili.

Now understand that I know exactly how bad the graphics are in this show. The effects are outdated and repetitive, the acting is mediocre, and the story line is predictable but I am LOVING it! This show has remarkably good values AND it is inclusive (before being Politically Correct was a widespread and accepted ideal).

I used to watch this show on Saturday mornings with my sister. Young Hercules was made in 1998-1999 and we would wake up, squish into the same chair (we were once small enough that we fit in the same chair) and watch Young Hercules, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Xena and Sinbad.

We loved these shows about heroes and re-watching these episodes is bringing my mind back to that time. Relaxing me into a very childish state of mind; something I think is underrated, especially after a tough day when you've forgotten who you used to be.


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