Wednesday 13 August 2014

(DA) Why do People avoid the Homeless?

Someone without a home is a person, just like everyone else.

There's no need to walk quickly past them, avoid eye contact, ignore them, or talk badly about what could have gotten them into that situation.

If they ask for money and you have some change to spare, then give it to them. (I like to keep some change in a specific pocket for this purpose- my brother in law taught me this.) If you think they might spend it "unwisely", but still want to help, offer to buy them a snack or coffee.

There is a homeless man in our neighbourhood who hangs out near the Esso/ Tim Hortons. He is so polite and such a frequent visitor that on hot days people will buy him water or Gatorade and leave it one the step for him (if he's not there yet). In the winter, people will go through the drive through and come out with a coffee and sandwich for him. And when he has some money, he'll come to the bar, and 'splurge' on a beer and wings.

How can people be so incredibly nice and understanding of this man, and not of others sitting down town asking for money?

We, as human beings, shouldn't choose who we help and who we ignore, we should help anyone who asks for it.

Hopefully this video and set of pictures go viral enough to help other people see how wonderful and incredible people without homes can be.

Dogs love you no matter how much money you have

They asked these homeless people to reveal something about themselves

Oh, and this video of young people being ALL KINDS OF AMAZING!


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