Thursday 25 December 2014

(DA) Christmas Traditions

It's challenging as a young couple to establish our own Holiday Traditions, especially when each of our families have their own we're still participating in. I'm sure we'll come up with some good ones of our own eventually, but there's one I'm really happy about.

I love going to Christmas Mass. I love listening to the choir, and singing along- even though I'm completely tone deaf.

I know it's bad, but I sometimes find my mind drifting away from the Priest on Sundays, but Christmas Mass is completely different. I love listening to the sermon. It's always so beautiful, heart warming and moving; all about family, charity and faith. This year I cried several times during the Mass. Eventually my father in law passed me some tissues. Which of course made me cry harder.

It's always so moving and lovely. I'm so glad it's part of our Christmas traditions.


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