Monday 8 December 2014

(DA) Boosting Confidence

Yesterday on a walk with the dog I admitted to feeling badly about my writing. I had lost confidence in it and hated the writing I had done in the previous hours.

Jason told me that I shouldn't dwell on the negative ,and admitting that I didn't feel confidently about it was only feeding the fire. He pushed me to continue writing when we got home- even if I felt it was mediocre and worse. Just keep writing. He said. Your confidence will come back.

I guess it's kind of like drinking fluid to flush out a cold. Keep writing to flush out the bad work.

Well, today I'm not feeling any more confident and have made very little progress writing, but I've looked back into some of my older work and been very proud of what I did.

This particular excerpt is from a story about crew mates on a ship, and this is how I introduced two of the characters, I really like it.

By human standards Seth is considered an attractive man; he’s tall with brown hair that falls into his eyes when he hasn’t combed it to the side. He has round blue eyes and the mind of a scholar, with a strong, slim build ideal for a hand to hand fighter. Seth is often underestimated because of his build, unlike his partner Blayze; even at a first glance it would be hard to underestimate her.  Slim, fit, recklessly impulsive and intense in every way. Blayze is first to a fight and goes by the idea that you should act first and ask questions later. She stands a few inches taller than Seth, with dark curly hair, narrow green eyes under pointed brows, with a body full of curves that draw the eyes of strangers and intense pale features from the Elven half of her bloodline. 

It still needs work. But I like it all the same. 


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