Sunday 26 October 2014

The Literary Qualities of Music

Music is one of those concepts that I have a hard time grasping and recreating, but am very fond of.

My collection of music is not anything intimidating and is far from a Library, but I am proud of it none the less. My collection, which continues to grow, is a purely instrumental based collection, focusing on the music coming from a variety of sources; excluding any lyrics, but including some forms of verbal intonation.  I have recently found a deep rooted admiration for well composed music, specifically in the film industry. I have collected scores of music from a variety of movies and plays and have started to study them on my own.

When I say study, I actually mean I am exploring the music for, what I call their "Literary Qualities". Music's LQs are to me, the picture the music paints or the scene the music writes while it is being listened to.

I started off using musical scores as a meditation tool, using it to help myself relax into a calm focused state but I soon realized that instead of relaxing myself, the music was invigorating me. The music was like a power source I could tap into whenever I needed a creative boost.

I first started using music to kick start my creativity, however, now I have compiled several long playlists that accompany a few of my stories; much like musical scores in movies, which help the audience to feel what is coming. The playlists I have compiled for each story set the tone, mood and pace of the story. My Literary Playlists consist of music that encompass elements of my worlds; from characters, worlds and adventures.


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