Friday 26 September 2014

(DA) Handshake

I've often wished  I was more like Sherlock Holmes; not with the cocaine addiction or the social inabilities but able to look at a room and read the situation by minute details in my surroundings. I've been working on my powers of deduction and I feel like I'm getting pretty good, but I have no way to fact check my theories, so who really knows if I'm even close?

But I've often wondered about handshakes. How much can you tell about a person from the way they shake hands?

Why do I wonder? Well, I've been complimented on my handshake a lot. I mean A LOT. Friends, co-workers, strangers, Doctors even prospective employers have all complimented my handshakes.

So what is it that people like about shaking my hand?

I have a firm grip, but not tight and painful, and I make sure not to give a halfhearted shake when I take someones hand. Shaking hands is a sign of respect, but is also a form of touch- you go into someone else's space and share that space for a moment -and that takes a certain amount of trust.

I think my handshakes are firm, confident and respectful. But does that really come across in a handshake? Do many people have resistant, light handshakes that say "oh my goodness don't touch me, and get me out of this situation"?

Or do people just think I have soft skin?



  1. There are a lot of people out there with a bad handshake. I had one person who didn't move their hand at all, another who just let their wrist go limp, another who only reached out with 2 fingers instead of their whole hand.

    You're right, it's a sign of respect and a sign of trust and professionalism. There's a lot which is shared in that brief moment. Many don't care or don't bother, and it shows. But to the observant, you're learning more about that person's interest in the situation, confidence level, perhaps how they're feeling at the moment. Perhaps, if you're sensitive enough, you feel their skin and know if they work with their hands a lot. When you look them in the eyes, do they look back? Another indication right there of who they are and how they're responding to the situation.

    It's always important to know yourself, and it's important to carry yourself well. If you don't, it'll show, handshake or otherwise.
