Tuesday 17 June 2014

(DA) Mother Hen-ing

I've been writing on paper lately and haven't had the desire to copy that writing to a soft copy on my computer; when I do, I'll share it. In the mean time, I've had two instances lately that made me revert to 'mother hen', like I used to in High school and University.

Instance 1- a co-worker (skinny, pretty young lady) came in to work with a MASSIVE iced coffee, shake, drink thing, with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. It looked delicious. I said, "Wow, are you sharing?" and she laughed, took a gulp and said, "I had one of these for breakfast, skipped lunch and this is dinner. Yum." I immediately wanted to sit her down and give her a bowl of veggies. I wanted to scream, "NO! Diabetes is a real problem!" but instead I chuckled and said suggestively, "I hope you find time for a real meal tomorrow.

The next instance was when a young man sat  down ordered a coffee and lots of cream and sugar. I brought a regular sugar caddie filled with at least 12 sugars, and filled his saucer with 4 creams. He politely asked for more cream and I came back with a small plate of creams. During his meal, he asked for 2 more coffees, more cream and more sugar. He must have used 8 creams and 10 sugars per coffee.  Again I just wanted to cry out "Um, no, that's not very good for you." and give him a glass of water, or apple juice and a plate of carrots. 

I know I've been guilty of eating badly, I still do, but I'm starting to see the patterns of unhealthy-ness in the people that surround me. I wish there was more I could do to help them than just, 'suggest' that they eat better.


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