Friday 20 June 2014

(DA) Another long day

Only 14 hours today. 

Phone battery has died, it didn't make it throughout the day; whether that's from 2048, obsessive selfies throughout the day, pictures of the cast and set or just a terrible battery, I'll never know. 

My feet are fine. My legs are fine. My arms are fine. 

My head is fuzzy. My eyes are grainy. My stomach is not impressed that I didn't pack my own Gluten Free lunch. 

I'm ready to sleep for weeks but my brain is so excited that I got to work on the set of a commercial today! New experiences abound!

We shot the spots in this huge house, which I got lost in SEVERAL times. The biggest difference between working on a commercial set and all the work I've done in Theatre is mostly the terminology, everything else is pretty basic: stay out of the way, stay quiet when filming, work fast, hurry up and wait, attention to detail. 

GREAT DAY working with great people. I hope I get the chance to do it again. 


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