Tuesday 10 February 2015

(DA) So Close

With the final day of the Duelling Amateurs challenge approaching, I'm finding myself at a crossroad emotionally. 

On the one side of the road, I am excited not to have the "Daily Post" looming overhead on days when I don't feel overly creative, but on the other road, I am really going to miss the challenge. 

I feel like my blogging hasn't improved very much, but my writing and productivity has skyrocketed. I have never been this close to finishing one of my books or so proud of the quality of my work. 

I have doubled the number of short stories I write in a year, and almost completed my manuscript AND been writing reviews for Television and Film. 

I'm quite proud of all of the written work I have produced during Duelling Amateurs and I am going to have to be very conscious not to let that productivity slip. 


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