Saturday 15 February 2014

Don't forget to be Thankful for the Little Things- DA

Far too many conversations start and end with complaints. 

"I don't make enough money." 
"I worked three weekends in a row." 
"Rent is so expensive." 
"I can't get enough hours at work." 
"I have too much homework." 
"This is my last beer." 
"Ugh. There's no WiFi." 

I've heard enough. 

My husband and I recently made an effort to complain less. After a night out we wondered why that night wasn't as much fun as usual. It wasn't until we realized that although we had been talking the entire evening, we hadn't done anything but complain. 

Complaining makes you upset and enables you to dwell on problems. Where's the fun in that? 

There are so many things in a day to appreciate and to be thankful for that if you just think about them, it makes most situations brighter. 

"The weather is really clear today. It makes the snow on the trees look incredible." 
"I got to see my sister today and spend some time with family. I don't see them enough. It felt really good." 
"I had a really positive experience at work. It was a small thing but I got to prove myself and my boss was impressed with me." 
"A stranger smiled at me on the bus, it made me smile."
"A girl at work likes me new hair cut." 
"My husband made me dinner today. That was really thoughtful of him." 
"Tonight was a clear night. It was nice to see the stars!" 

Think of it. Simple things, little things, big things. The positive things are what you should be spending your time on, or at least, don't forget to acknowledge them. 

My In-laws have this tradition that I love. Everyday before we eat dinner we go around the table and say one thing each of us are thankful for. Sometimes one of us are thankful for an afternoon nap, or a good day at work. Sometimes we're thankful for seeing old friends. The point is that everyday we are forced to come up with at least one good thing that we are thankful for from that day. 

It makes for very positive dinner conversation topics and for a positive attitude over all. It's a tradition that I've kept with me even when I'm not over at their house. If you're finding yourself or your friends complaining a lot, try to break the tension by focusing on the positives. Take a look, I bet you can find lots. 


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