Tuesday 15 January 2013

Back Jacket Challenge #2

The 2nd of my Back Jacket Blurb Challenge. 

The 2nd of the Roaglenian
The Tower of Arista

Anna wakes up every morning, looks around the tiny room she shares with her younger sister, pushes her father's wolf off the end of her bed and waits for a torrent of visions to flow before her eyes.
Anna can see the future.
She sees glimpses throughout the day, but mornings are when the visions are the most succinct, and when visions of her her own death, and the deaths of her loved ones start to plague her in her sleep Anna becomes determined to avoid her fate.
When she wakes up in a huge velvet covered room, surrounded by servants and wait staff, with no recollection of who she is, what she can do, or how she is going to die, Anna unknowingly starts to walk straight down fate's path toward the end of her vision. 
How will Anna remember who she is if she doesn't know the life around her is a lie? How can she avoid her death if she can't remember it is coming? 


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