Saturday 31 December 2011

Fictitious Fragments of Fancy

Tonight after completing the perilous journey through freezing rain and across slippery sidewalks I arrived at my destination: the Mailbox.
I ventured out into the stormy weather seeking a warm bit of comfort; a late posted Holiday card. Unfortunately, all I found after my trip across the street was a small metal cubby hole filled with bills and coupons.
Please do not mistake me for a millionaire- I appreciate the coupons, like any student, but the bills I could live without. On the side of the street, reading by the light of my phone I searched all the envelopes for the source of my quest- a letter, a card, any piece of hand written information intended for me and not addressed too Mr or Mrs Brandolyn. I found none. Nothing! Not even a personalized stamp on any of the envelopes.

Doesn't anyone write letters anymore?
I haven't sent one in a while, I even missed the opportunity to send Christmas cards this year (sorry).
I had a pen pal in high school. We wrote to each other every month, but since we discovered the joys of Facebook and Instant Messaging, all form of formal communication has stopped. Now our communications are simply, "what's up?" and "that's kool." It can hardly pass for real communication.

I have a challenge for myself, one that I think would interest some of my friends, and anyone else unable to satisfy the nag of a creative itch.

I would like to start writing. Writing real letters, as a fictitious person to a fictitious person. I find my personal life FAR too boring, and thus would like to create personas, or characters to tell stories via letters to similar characters. I want these to be real letters, so that when I trek through the ankle deep slush in my slippers I will actually find something worthwhile when I open my mailbox.

Obviously the letters should be addressed to me originally, then the content can be to a character of my choosing, from a character of your choosing. For example, it could be a letter from Wonder Woman to Batman about the plans to throw Superman a surprise party, OR it could be a letter from Elharlien of Lokriahl Temple to the Warrior Priestess Ardina about the futile nature of the raid on the farming town of Grah-nill. Even better I could be writing as a past student at famous wart-riddled school of wizardry, writing to a struggling student who's intimidated by their upcoming examinations, or who is writing to a student having issues with a certain cantankerous professor in need of a nice long shampoo.

If you are interested in joining my mailing list, please notify me personally. Then we can exchange contact information, and figure out our characters.
All you will require for this task is;
-a stamp
-an envelope
-an imagination
and a little piece of paper
(if you want to write back and forth please be prepared with multiple stamps, envelopes, paper and ample imagination)

I am going to collect these letters. I really think with some of the brilliant minds I know, we will be able to come up with some fantastic pieces of writing.

For anyone following my posts I have recently cleaned out the workspace in my basement and have created myself an office. I would love some side projects to write in between sprints of novel related writings. If you do want to be part of this, but don't feel you have time to respond, let me know, and I'll send one sided updates, with characters of my choice!

I look forward to the written literary journey my characters are about to begin and I hope you will share in the adventure with me.




  1. I already have 3 people very interested in these letters! So let me know if you want one too!
