Monday 6 July 2015

(DA) Play-xercise

Play-xersice is exactly what it sounds like; or looks like- it's the devil to say aloud!

Today while at my Chiropractic Clinic the woman who runs the workout classes I used to attend commented that I'm looking very fit right now. I thanked her for noticing and went about my day as usual, but the comment made me feel really great.

When Jason got home I told him about her comment and his answer was "That's awesome! Are you working out?"

"Yes." I replied.

"What are you doing?"

"Play-xercise!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. Jason knew exactly what I meant. Play-xercise is the idea of getting a workout and exercise from play. So whenever I take the dog out for a walk, he and I run around jungle gyms, jump over park benches and low walls, I hang off of monkey bars, do cartwheels, run, jump and play with whatever is around me. It's great fun, a good exercise and is easier to wrap your head around than going to the gym for a workout because it's 'fun' and there are no rules. Play-xercise is also a great challenge for the dog because he has to keep up with me and deal with me changing tempo, jumping and hanging from obstacles. It's a slow progression to get him comfortable with some of the things I do- and we've tripped each other before, but we're getting better every day.

Any one who complains that they don't want the pressure of going to the gym should think about play-xercise as an alternative. It's low risk, high reward and as much fun as you want to make it!


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