Monday 15 June 2015

(DA) Bitter-sweet

Today was a day that can only be described as 'bitter-sweet'.

This winter the world lost a beautiful soul after a long time battling Depression. Nel was a classmate of mine in University. She was a classmate, fellow cast member, director and friend. She inspired me to write, create, act and be as genuinely myself as possible.

She was an advocate for the underdog and a voice for those who were unheard. Her light went out in January and the people who loved her have been waiting until the spring (she loved the spring) to honour her and celebrate her life. I, along with many other people, have been looking forward to this day for several months.

I was excited to celebrate her life today, and yet in the same heart beat, I am devastated that we had to.

Your light will continue to shine down on us from the stars Nel. Shine on with the knowledge that you will be remembered fondly.


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