With my MS I have had to learn that a headache, or muscle spasm is much more than a minor discomfort- it's a warning sign. *Danger* you aren't sleeping enough- *Danger* you need to eat more vegetables- *Danger* you forgot to take your vitamins... etc.
But learning to understand my body's limits has helped me in my active lifestyle and in my work life too. I now understand that when I get nauseated, I am under nourished. When I shake on a run or get a headache I am dehydrated and I know that it's time to take a break, get in the shade, or in some air-conditioning, breathe normally and lower my core temperature.
In my work life I have learned what I find stressful, and how to breathe through it. I can feel my pulse when it elevates, I feel the tension in my tongue and have learned how to stand to open my chest and breathe deeply into my diaphragm.
There are still many warning signs that I haven't learned yet, and I'm sure I will continue to develop more as I age but I'm looking forward to that learning curve.